Searching for ADVANCED DATA will return entity names containing both words such as ADVANCED DATA COMMUNICATIONS LLC if searching limited liabilities and ADVANCED DATA PROTECTION SERVICES, INC.Note, including a word that is not part of the entity name may result in no matching record. Searching multiple keywords will return a list of only those entities containing all of the keywords used in the search. For more limited results:Search for multiple keywords.Examples of distinctive or unique words: COMPENSATORY, HICKORY, MARSHMALLOW, ERUDITE. Searching a distinctive or unique keyword will narrow the search results. For best results: Distinctive or unique keywords should be used when searching, if possible.Common words:The following common words and symbols will be ignored by the search:.or ABC ES CROW CO will return no business entities.
or ABC ESCROW CO will return no business entities. or A B C ESCROW CO will return the entity A. Spacing Matters: Do not remove spaces that are part of an entity name or add spaces that are not part of an entity name.will return entities that include A, B and C in the name. in the name and entities that include DARE in the name. will return entities that include D.A.R.E.
Searching for 0100410071 will return no results. If searching for a limited liability company or limited partnership by entity number, enter only the applicable 12-digit entity number.Įxample: Searching for 200100410071 will return RESEARCH & RETRIEVAL, LLC.Searching for 0254285 will return no results. If searching for a corporation by entity number, the letter "C" must be entered followed by the applicable seven-digit entity number.Įxample: Searching for C0254285 will return X,Y,Z CORPORATION.The entity number is the identification number issued to the entity by the California Secretary of State at the time the entity formed, qualified, registered or converted in California.The following tips may be used to refine or modify searches by entity number or entity name for a particular entity: Entity Number Search